Integrate WooCommerce:

  1. First, navigate to your WooCommerce Admin screens through WordPress and log-in to your account.
  2. Next, using the navigation panel on your left, click on "WooCommerce" followed by Settings.
  3. Now, click on the "Advanced" tab and look for a link that says REST API and then open it.
    WooCommerce Menu
  4. Next, click on the "Add Key button.
  5. Shopify Menu

  6. Enter in a name (Panda), make sure the user is your admin user, and then make sure to give Read/Write access to "Fulfillment Services" and any other relevant customer information.
  7. Shopify Menu

  8. Now click on "Generate API Key" until you are provided with an Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret. Make sure to save this information for later!
  9. Shopify Menu

  10. Now log-in to your Panda Postage account and navigate to the "Integrations" link using the left-hand navigation.
  11. Click on the WooCommerce logo image to bring up the integration form to the right.
  12. Now give your integration a name, followed by copying & pasting the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into the corresponding fields.
  13. Lastly, enter in the URL for your main website that is hosted by WooCommerce. It should look something like this: Click "Save" and your store should now be integrated!

How To Ship:
  • Once everything has saved successfully, you should see your Store Name under "My Accounts".
  • Click on View Orders to be brought to the orders screen.
  • Now click on View/Hide My Orders to the choose the "Ship Now" option. Clicking this will load that order into the shipping screen and you can proceed with creating your label!
  • Shopify Menu
    Shopify Menu